
Business as Usual


In these challenging times, our thoughts are with those who have been affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Our number one priority is the health and well being of our staff and customers. We have expanded our everyday practices to maintain a safe and clean environment by introducing measures recommended by the World Health Organisation and Australian Government.

Our shop is open for business as usual, as it does not fall under Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s list of businesses to close. We have reduced staff to ensure social distancing between employees, introduced hand sanitisers at various locations in our shop and disposable gloves to handle all unwashed clothing. All staff have been retrained to ensure hands are washed regularly, and all unwell staff must stay home. We have confirmed no staff have recently been interstate or overseas.

Professional laundry and dry cleaning have a history of being able to kill viruses. A high level of expertise is applied together with commercial disinfectants, dry cleaning solvent and temperature used in washing or drying provides a high level of assurance.

Let’s all do our part to overcome flatten the curve and prevent the spread of this virus.