Just a short break

Our head seamstress will be away from Monday 27th Feb returning Saturday 25th March.
In the best interests of our customers and to provide our best consistent service, we will not be accepting any alteration orders during this time.
We wish Cindy a wonderful long-awaited break, she always works very hard for all her clients.

Welcome back!

We are happy to announce that are trading hours have resumed back to normal. After a very odd and stressful couple of years, we welcome back all of our customers both old and new.
Thank you for your support during this difficult time, and we look forward to seeing all of you again.

Happy New Year!

2020 was a strange and challenging year for most of us. Whilst we do not wish to dwell on the past, we would like to take this opportunity to thank for all our customers and well wishes that we have received over the last few months.

With many of us working from home, we were faced with unprecedented challenges to making ends meet. We love our community and hope we can stick around a little longer, so cheers to a 2021 that is better for all us!
And from everyone at Dry Clean and Thread, happy holidays, stay safe and stay healthy.

Business as Usual


In these challenging times, our thoughts are with those who have been affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Our number one priority is the health and well being of our staff and customers. We have expanded our everyday practices to maintain a safe and clean environment by introducing measures recommended by the World Health Organisation and Australian Government.

Our shop is open for business as usual, as it does not fall under Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s list of businesses to close. We have reduced staff to ensure social distancing between employees, introduced hand sanitisers at various locations in our shop and disposable gloves to handle all unwashed clothing. All staff have been retrained to ensure hands are washed regularly, and all unwell staff must stay home. We have confirmed no staff have recently been interstate or overseas.

Professional laundry and dry cleaning have a history of being able to kill viruses. A high level of expertise is applied together with commercial disinfectants, dry cleaning solvent and temperature used in washing or drying provides a high level of assurance.

Let’s all do our part to overcome flatten the curve and prevent the spread of this virus.

Wedding Season!


Whilst it doesn’t seem like it this week, spring is finally upon us and this means Wedding season!
Many wedding dresses are made of delicate fabrics such as silk, organza and chiffon and may have elements of beading and lace as well.

Special care needs to be taken when handling these garments, in both the alterations and cleaning process.
Did you know? Different fabrics will react differently under a sewing needle as the machine can pull the fabric in unexpected ways. Some areas may need to be hand sewn to prevent this from occurring.

The best way to restore and maintain your wedding dress is to bring it to us as soon as possible following the festivities. That way, we have the best chance of removing those stains when you new drunk brother-in-law spilt wine or when your flower girl stepped on your dress train.

We understand that a wedding can become expensive very quickly, and we always try to provide our customers with an affordable price whilst not compromising on quality. If your special day is coming up, drop by our store and let us assist you in making your day as seamless as possible.